Thursday, October 29, 2009

celebrity plastic surgery justified?

Bad plastic surgery happens when someone feels pressure to look good and they have more money than brains. Which pretty much describes the majority of celebrities out there.

Some of the following don’t quite look like human beings anymore, which would be tragic (this is voluntary! they didn’t have to look like this) if it weren’t so stupid. Most of these people were genetically blessed to begin with, which makes you wonder why they would risk their good looks just to hold off from aging a tiny bit longer. And many of the younger celebs on this list have absolutely no excuse at all, as good diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle would have fixed most of any flaws they felt they had.

Bad plastic surgery happens when someone feels pressure to look good and they have more money than brains. Which pretty much describes the majority of celebrities out there.

Some of the following don’t quite look like human beings anymore, which would be tragic (this is voluntary! they didn’t have to look like this) if it weren’t so stupid. Most of these people were genetically blessed to begin with, which makes you wonder why they would risk their good looks just to hold off from aging a tiny bit longer. And many of the younger celebs on this list have absolutely no excuse at all, as good diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle would have fixed most of any flaws they felt they had.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

why is plastic surgery becoming so common?

being teased about the way you look may end you up in a cosmetic surgeon's room.People mostly go for plastic surgery in response to appearance based rejection.Research has proven that men and women who feel sensitive to appearance based rejection are more likely to end up in a cosmetic surgeons room than those who are less sensitive to appearance.This effect is particularly true when people recall negative comments regarding their appearance.

in my opinion, just because people aren't excepting you for the way you look, doesn't mean you start hating yourself and opt for drastic measures that permanently change the way you look.

instead you should work more towards your confidence, and forget what other people are saying about you. if someone's with you because of the way you look and not because of who you are than that person surely can't be worth the company right?